MaxWell Monthly Must-Reads

MaxWell Monthly Must-Reads | MEA & Drug Screening

  It is time for the 9th edition of our monthly blog. Earlier this year, we have highlighted each month five papers dealing wiht a variety of scientific applications –Beta Cells, Burst Detection , Axons, Retina, Organoids and Human iPSC-Derived Neurons – as well as with a topic closely related to our daily operations, Spike Sorting. During the COVID-19 lockdown in April we published a special edition about Neurons and Viruses. In our September edition we highlight the use of Microelectrode array (MEA) technology for drug screening.…

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MaxWell Monthly Must-Reads | Beta Cells

  We hope you have enjoyed our monthly blog so far! In the first part of the year we focused on a variety of topics ranging from scientific applications in January (Axons), February (Retina), March (Organoids) and June (Human iPSC-Derived Neurons) to a Neurons and Viruses edition during COVID-19 lockdown in April and a Spike Sorting blog in May. For the first edition of the second part of the year, our must-reads were centered around the topic of Burst Detection. Our August edition focuses on Beta Cells,…

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MaxWell Monthly Must-Reads | Burst Detection

We have reached the second half of 2020 and thus arrived at the seventh edition of MaxWell Monthly Must-Reads. In the first four, we mainly highlighted scientific topics. In January we focused on Axons, in February on Retina and in March we picked Organoids as our main topic. Furthermore, during times of COVID-19 in April and May, we highlighted Neurons and Viruses and Spike Sorting! Last month, during ISSCR 2020, we highlighted Human iPSC-Derived Neurons. For this edition we decided to focus on Burst Detection! The bursting phenomenon is a periodic increase in neuronal…

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MaxWell Monthly Must-Reads | Human iPSC-Derived Neurons

We have already published five editions of MaxWell Monthly Must-Reads this year. In the first four, we mainly highlighted scientific topics. In January we focused on Axons, in February on Retina and in March we picked Organoids as our main topic. Furthermore, during times of COVID-19 in April, we highlighted Neurons and Viruses! Last month, we complemented these topics by providing you with five key articles related to Spike Sorting.rug Discovery, D One week before the start of ISSCR 2020, we are publishing a new edition of…

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MaxWell Monthly Must-Reads | Spike Sorting

We hope you enjoyed the last Monthly Must-Reads about Neurons and Viruses. In the other months this year we mainly highlighted scientific topics such as Axons in January, Retina in February and last month we highlighted Organoids. This month we want to highlight a topic that complements the above four editions perfection! During times of COVID-19 and the significant amount of home-office hours, you might have more time to analyse all of your data. Therefore we have decided to pick five articles. that allow…

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