Neuroservice and MaxWell Biosystems announce strategic partnership

Neuroservice and MaxWell Biosystems announce strategic partnership to develop HD-MEA assays for human iPSC-derived neurons and other cell cultures Aix-en-Provence, FRANCE and Zurich, SWITZERLAND – October 28, 2020. Today, Neuroservice and MaxWell Biosystems are thrilled to announce a strategic partnership aiming to provide the pharmaceutical industry with a new state-of-the-art CNS in vitro cell electrophysiological solution based on high-density microelectrode array recording of human iPSC-derived neurons and other neuron cultures. The partnership will combine the MaxTwo high-density microelectrode array (HD-MEA)…

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Capture the activity of thousands of communicating neurons all at once

Latest Neurochip published in Nature Communications Today, a new generation of high-density microelectrode array (HD-MEA) technology has been published in Nature Communications (link). This publication not only demonstrates the excellent performance of the chip, but also describes the large-scale extraction of neuronal metrics, such as axonal conduction velocity, and includes impressive showcases of applications with various neuronal preparations. The developed versatile platform for label-free, live-cell electrical imaging will further accelerate drug discovery and basic research in the field of neuroscience.…

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MaxOne form-factor and biocompatibility

MaxOne chips are packaged using biocompatible components and adhesives (ISO-10993 Compliance). Designed for laboratory use, each device comes in white (PCB, 38.4 x 38.4 mm2, thickness: 1.6mm) with an ergonomic well (polycarbonate ring, inner diameter: 32mm, outer diameter: 35mm, height: 8mm). A small cover can be used to prevent culture evaporation.  

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MaxOne featured on “Lab on a Chip” cover

MaxOne’s chip micrograph is featured on the inner title page of the journal Lab on a Chip, issue July 2015. It accompanies the article by Jan Müller et al. entitled, “High-resolution CMOS MEA platform to study neurons at subcellular, cellular, and network levels”. The article introduces MaxOne’s core technology, the high-density microelectrode array with 26,400 electrodes, 1024 channels, and 32 stimulation units. The paper can be found here. Müller, J., Ballini, M., Livi, P., Chen, Y., Radivojevic, M., Shadmani, A., et al. (2015).…

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