
Solid-State Nanopores for Spatially Resolved Chemical Neuromodulation

A recent study from the project, published in Nano Letters, describes a planar neural interface that utilizes diffusion-driven neurotransmitter release through a solid-state nanopore array. To test its potential as a spatially resolved neural interface for stimulating neurons with glutamate, the scientists recorded rat retinal tissue on the MaxOne Single-Well HD-MEA. The results showed an increase in glutamate-evoked activity over time, with a clear-cut difference between cellslocated near the nanopores…

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MaxWell Monthly Must-Reads | Retinal Organoids

  It is already time for the 11th and second-to-last edition of our monthly blog in 2020. We hope you enjoyed last month’s post about Neuroengineering as well as our previous posts about a variety of scientific topics (MEA for drug screening, Beta Cells, Burst Detection, Axons, Retina, Organoids, Human iPSC-Derived Neurons, Neurons and Viruses and Spike Sorting). In our November edition, we highlight the latest developments on Retinal Organoids. We highlighted the article written by Cowan et al. which developed functioning human retinas in a dish. Please find a…

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MaxWell Monthly Must-Reads | Spike Sorting

We hope you enjoyed the last Monthly Must-Reads about Neurons and Viruses. In the other months this year we mainly highlighted scientific topics such as Axons in January, Retina in February and last month we highlighted Organoids. This month we want to highlight a topic that complements the above four editions perfection! During times of COVID-19 and the significant amount of home-office hours, you might have more time to analyse all of your data. Therefore we have decided to pick five articles. that allow…

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MxW Monthly Must-Reads | Retina

Welcome to the first MxW Monthly Must-Reads (MMM) of 2019! This month’s selection of articles focuses on retina research. The retina, an extension of the brain and the first stage of visual input processing, extracts information about various features of visual stimuli, including size, contrast, colour, orientation and motion direction. With a diversity of neural subtypes both on the levels of local processing and downstream output via retinal ganglion cells, the retina is an amazing model for studying functional sub-circuits…

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MaxWell Biosystems at European Retina Meeting 2017

From October 5th to the 7th, MaxWell Biosystems hosted a booth at the European Retina Meeting, in Paris, France. The conference attracted retina experts, researchers, and students. Paris was a great host, and MaxWell Biosystems even had the opportunity to attend a gala dinner in the city. MaxWell Biosystems would like to thank the organizers for a job well done!   Conference attendees loved the levitating MaxOne chip on display. Additionally, ERM 2017 gave MaxWell Biosystems the opportunity to debut the brand new Tissue Holder, specifically made for retinal applications.   We’re excited to…

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