iPSC-Derived Neuron Poster

Conference 2024 Presented Poster


Label-Free Functional Characterization of Human iPSC-Derived Neurons at Subcellular Resolution

In this poster you can learn more about how you can:

• Functionally characterize long-term co-cultured human iPSC-derived neurons and astrocytes
• Measure the electrical activity of human iPSC-derived neurons
• Characterize disease models at subcellular resolution


Brain models derived from pluripotent stem cells have become a fundamental tool for studying common neurological disorders, such as epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease. The ability to measure the electrical activity of human iPSC-derived neurons in real time and label-free can provide much needed insights into the complexity of their neuronal networks. With MaxWell Biosystems high-density microelectrode array (HD-MEA), we can perform in vitro extracellular recordings of action potentials at different scales, ranging from network through single- neuron to subcellular features. In this poster, we show the advantages of having an HD-MEA system featuring 26’400 electrodes per well, which are key to increase the statistical power of the data collected from iPSC-derived neurons over multiple days/weeks and to capture the smallest neuronal signals. We also present the AxonTracking Assay, a tool for automated recording and analysis of individual axonal arbors of many neurons in parallel. Our HD-MEA platforms and the extracted metrics provide an extremely powerful and user-friendly approach for in vitro disease modelling. Nevertheless, our software modules suite for large-scale data handling allow to streamline your research process and enhance your results.

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