MaxTwo Well Plates

MaxTwo Plate Features6-Well24-Well
Well-Plate dimension 127.8 x 85.8 x 16.1 mm3 127.8 x 85.8 x 16.1 mm3
Number of wells 624
Well (inner) diameter29.0 mm15.3 mm
Active sensing area 3.85 x 2.10 mm23.85 x 2.10 mm2
Total number of electrodes per well26’40026’400
Electrode density3’265 electrodes/mm23’265 electrodes/mm2
Electrode center-to-center distance 17.5 µm17.5 µm
Electrode size12.0 x 8.8 µm212.5 x 12.5 µm2
Electrode material Platinum blackPlatinum
Surface topography<2.0 µm<0.3 µm
Sampling rate10.0 kHz/channel10.0 kHz/channel
Number of recording channels 1’020/well1’020/well
Electrical stimulationYesNo
Simultaneous recordings All 6 wells in parallel6 wells in parallel, row by row
SterilizationNoEtO treatment according to EN ISO 11737-2

Would you like to learn more about MaxTwo? Book a one-to-one call with one of our scientist to discuss how MaxWell Biosystems’ high-content electrophysiology solutions can bring new key insights to your project or request a quote.

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