
MaxWell Travels: Tel Aviv, Israel

Recently we participated in our first conference in 2018. Our CEO, Urs Frey, attended the Neural Interfaces 2018 meeting at the Bar Ilan University in Tel Aviv, Israel. As a sponsor, we had the opportunity to display our technology at an exhibition booth. Furthermore, Urs presented our technology during a presentation entitled “CMOS-MEAs for characterizing neuronal dynamics in vitro at high spatiotemporal resolution”.  The Conference The Neural Interfaces 2018 conference was a three day-meeting held at the Bar Ilan University. This year…

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Neural Interfaces 2018 at Tel Aviv, Israel (5-7 March 2018)

MaxWell Biosystems is glad to announce that it will participate in the Neural Interfaces 2018 meeting held at the Bar Ilan University in Tel Aviv, Israel. MaxWell Biosystems, as a sponsor of the conference, will have an Exhibition Booth. Pass by to learn more about our products. On Tuesday the 6th of March at 15:45, our CEO Urs Frey will present our technology during a presentation session with a talk titled “CMOS-MEAs for characterizing neuronal dynamics in vitro at high spatiotemporal resolution” Where: Building 206 Hall C50, Bar-Ilan University…

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MaxWell Biosystems at European Retina Meeting 2017

From October 5th to the 7th, MaxWell Biosystems hosted a booth at the European Retina Meeting, in Paris, France. The conference attracted retina experts, researchers, and students. Paris was a great host, and MaxWell Biosystems even had the opportunity to attend a gala dinner in the city. MaxWell Biosystems would like to thank the organizers for a job well done!   Conference attendees loved the levitating MaxOne chip on display. Additionally, ERM 2017 gave MaxWell Biosystems the opportunity to debut the brand new Tissue Holder, specifically made for retinal applications.   We’re excited to…

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MaxWell Biosystems at the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Neuroscience Society (JNS) 2017

MaxWell Biosystems travelled to Chiba, Japan and exhibited at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Neuroscience Society from July 20th to 23rd. CEO, Dr. Urs Frey, and Dr. Marie Obien were excited to show off both the MaxOne and MaxTwo systems at this year’s Japanese neuroscience conference focused on “Pushing the Boundaries of Neuroscience.” MaxWell Biosystems received a warm reception from the Japanese neuroscience community, and we look forward to connecting with researchers excited about using the MaxOne and MaxTwo. We will return to the conference next year in…

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